Winstar world casino rio

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I physically experienced and saw Winstar Casino, employees, managers, allow customers to continue to smoke in Rio and did nothing to stop the person(s) from smoking, in the designated non-smoking area. I have received more advertisement regarding Rio, as a non-smoking ‘area,’ and it’s all FALSE. The hallway to the main entryway to Winstar has doors, which when opened for persons entering or exiting Rio, allow huge waves of smoke to waft in - unbearable for someone with lung issues and or allergies to smoke. Casino personnel and managers walking around, seeing the person smoking and not doing anything about it. There were smokers in the non smoking area, freely smoking. Waiting on someone to report to the inoperable slots and or get the refunds due corrected, took too long. We gravitate towards the slot machines in back, most machines are out of order or not working properly. At the entrance to Rio, persons standing outside smoking within 1-2 feet of door, smoke wafting into the vestibule, entryway of the very first slot machines. I received advertisement for the Rio Casino Winstar advertised as NON-SMOKING.

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